Subject: apmd and the APM_POWER_CHANGE event
To: None <>
From: Chuck Cranor <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/24/2001 19:32:59
i have discovered another thinkpad T21 apm quirk in 1.5 (and
current). when the apmd program receives an APM_POWER_CHANGE event
it always runs either /etc/apm/battery or /etc/apm/suspend.
turns out that my APM BIOS posts periodic APM_POWER_CHANGE
events while the battery is charging or discharging (even if a/c
state does not change). so if i unplug my system it runs
/etc/apm/battery every time one of these events is posted (even
though it really only needs to run it once). you can see this if
you put something like:
logger -p daemon.alert 'using battery power settings' `date`
in /etc/apm/battery.
the following patch causes apmd to do a bit more checking
before running /etc/apm/{battery,line}. i'll commit it shortly.
with this patch (and the previous apm and npx patches) applied
i find that apm/apmd are now working well under 1.5 on the thinkpad T21.
Index: apmd.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/basesrc/usr.sbin/apmd/apmd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -c -r1.16 apmd.c
*** apmd.c 2001/01/11 01:35:53 1.16
--- apmd.c 2001/01/25 00:25:35
*** 314,319 ****
--- 314,320 ----
fd_set selcopy;
struct apm_event_info apmevent;
int suspends, standbys, resumes;
+ int ac_is_off;
int noacsleep = 0;
int lowbattsleep = 0;
mode_t mode = 0660;
*** 414,419 ****
--- 415,421 ----
struct apm_power_info pinfo;
power_status(ctl_fd, 1, &pinfo);
+ ac_is_off = (pinfo.ac_state == APM_AC_OFF);
(void) signal(SIGTERM, sigexit);
*** 484,490 ****
struct apm_power_info pinfo;
power_status(ctl_fd, 0, &pinfo);
! do_ac_state(pinfo.ac_state);
--- 486,496 ----
struct apm_power_info pinfo;
power_status(ctl_fd, 0, &pinfo);
! /* power status can change without ac status changing */
! if (ac_is_off != (pinfo.ac_state == APM_AC_OFF)) {
! do_ac_state(pinfo.ac_state);
! ac_is_off = (pinfo.ac_state == APM_AC_OFF);
! }
Chuck Cranor
Senior Technical Staff Member
Internet and Networking Systems Research Lab
AT&T Labs-Research, Florham Park, NJ