Subject: Re: Is it ok to use AMD athlon processors?
To: None <>
From: Joseph Sarkes <joe@js1.jsnet>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/17/2001 09:23:40
> Wolfgang Rupprecht wrote:
> > I agree with everything but the "stability". The Athlon board I have
> > (Asus a7v) sucks for stability. There are many things that I can do
> > to crash and hang it. It seems that half of the problem is that Asus
> > doesn't give one a full and complete description of the chips and
> > their addresses (unlike every Intel-motherboard that I have). If AMD
> > truly wants to succeed they have to exert some pressure on their
> > cohorts to get with the program. AMD is very dependent on both their
> > outside chip-makers and the motherboard-makers to make them look good.
> > (Otherwise AMD is going to be known as "that company that provides the
> > CPU's for those fast and unreliable x86 computers.")
I had a great deal of trouble with my A7V a couple weeks ago, but it
either got used to working for me, or -current was just unstable for
a while. I've had no problems to speak of for a week or nearly two now.
No changes have been made to my hardware, and the machine tracks -current.
I did poke around on the asus website and look over the manual for the
board again, and found that the temperature/fan monitors are built into
the asus asic, and not used in the southbridge ic. YUCK!!! no monitoring
is available unless asus relents on the chip data. I'm looking at abit
for my next machine now, unless something changes. (I've been using
asus motherboards for a decade.)
> board is A7V, too. What is the revision number of your A7V and
> when did you buy it?
> > The most recent -current kernels (after Dec 26) don't even finish
> > booting my Athlon. They hang at the "biomask xxxx netmask xxxx
> > ttymask xxxx" line. Those same "problem" kernels boot just fine on
> > all the Intel motherboards I have.
> With the same graphics card, NIC, and sound card? That sounds quite
> strange to me. -current kernel as of Jan 15 runs well on my machine.
> Jun-Young
> --
> Bang Jun-Young <>
Joseph Sarkes