Subject: Re: Sig 11/4 during system build
To: NetBSD port-i386 <>
From: Mark White <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/12/2001 19:03:24
>>>>> On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, "mb" = Manuel Bouyer wrote:
mb> Well, I've never had any problem building 1.5 on various
mb> hardware. This really looks like a hardware problem.
>>>>> On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, "jdm" = Jared D. McNeill wrote:
jdm> I was having the same problems ever since I upgraded my K6-3
jdm> 450 to 128M of RAM (from 64). It's more than likely a hardware
jdm> problem -- I went into the BIOS and slowed dropped the RAM
jdm> timing from 'fast' to 'normal' (I forget the exact option) and
jdm> the problem seems to have gone away.
>>>>> On 12 Jan 2001, "wr" = Wolfgang Rupprecht wrote:
wr> GCC is the world's best memory tester. You have bad memory.
wr> (Or a motherboard problem where it can't drive the memory
wr> correctly.)
Ok, ok... :-) I should have known better; this machine had
this problem about a year ago. After swap testing I changed
MB, proc and RAM then stress-tested on linux kernel compiles
for about a week without getting any more SIG11's. So I was
convinced it wasn't memory this time round...
However, I've swapped the RAM this afternoon, and it
rather looks (after a couple hours of testing) like that's
it. *sigh* Sorry to trouble y'all :-(
Mark <><