Subject: Re: updating packages?
To: None <>
From: Masao Uebayashi <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/12/2001 11:29:08
> > "Recommended" way is "make update".
> >
> > $ cd /usr/pkgsrc/graphics/freetype
> > $ make update
> >
> > does all the difficulties.
> Yes I can do that on my source machine, but what about machines that are
> binary only, isn't that a large part of the point with the package system?
Binary packges consist of package information (/var/db/pkg/foo/*) and
package files (/usr/pkg/...), which don't have dependency infomation
for updating, that for deleting exist though. (+REQUIRED_BY)
And NetBSD doesn't provide a way to consult pkgsrc infomations
(e.g. distfiles, package dependencies, ...) remotely which Red Hat and
Debian may provide.
So I think that you have to have /usr/pkgsrc localy to use "update"
packages, or you have to do it manually.
I may be wrong. Any correction welcomed.