Subject: Re: Problems installing 1.5 on a Compaq Armada 7400
To: None <>
From: Brian Chase <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/04/2001 18:48:04
On Thu, 4 Jan 2001 wrote:
> GENERIC_LAPTOP has all PCIBIOS options turned on, and i'm guessing
> it is one of the reasons. or... you may want to make a pciide-less
> GENERIC on some other machine.
Okay, even after some kernel recompiles, I'm still having problems with my
Compaq Armada 7400. The original problem being that booting with the
GENERIC_LAPTOP kernel resulted in the system coming up without hard drive
First I took the GENERIC_LAPTOP kernel and commented out all the options
under the "# Configure PCI using BIOS information" heading so it looked
like the straight GENERIC kernel. This resulted in a kernel which booted
up and found the drive, and it sort of found the PC card Xircom
ethernet/modem adapter, but not really. The dmesg output looked as
cardbus_read_exrom: bad header signature in ROM image 0: 0xffff
cardbus_attach_card: failed to read CIS
tlp0 at cardbus0 dev 0 function 0: Xircom X3201-3 Ethernet, pass 0.3
tlp0: Ethernet address 00:00:00:00:00:00
tqphy0 at tlp0 phy 0: 78Q2120 10/100 media interface, rev. 11
tqphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
cardbus_read_exrom: bad header signature in ROM image 0: 0xffff
cardbus_attach_card: failed to read CIS
(manufacturer 0x0, product 0x0) Xircom product 0x0103 (serial
communications, interface 0x02, revision 0x03) at cardbus0 dev0
function 1 not configured
Okay. So that's no good. I get some nasty messages and the ethernet
address ends up being totally bogus.
From here I started to build new kernels, adding back options under the
"# Configure PCI using BIOS information" until I got the Xircom adapter to
show up correctly or until I break the hard drive support. Which ever
happened first.
I added back the following options, at which point the Xircom adapter
showed up correctly and the hard drive stopped showing up:
options PCIBIOS
The PCIBIOS_ADDR_FIXUP was the one that nailed me. Does anyone have ideas
as to why this would a) break support for the laptop's hard drive, and/or
b) why this would make the Xircom adapter behave properly?