Subject: Re: Andy the masochist builds a monster...
To: Havard Eidnes <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/30/2000 07:49:19
> > Down with floppy disks!  (^&
> Not so fast... ;-)

Even faster!  (^&

> > Or maybe you'll use some Zip disks to help with installing?
> While the zip disks can help with the installation, there's a
> chance that the SCSI controller doesn't have BIOS support, and
> you will thus be unable to boot from it.  This means that you may
> need a floppy drive to boot the machine.

I wasn't so sure about using them for booting...  A boot-floppy may be the
simplest solution, but he can probably avoid it without too much hassle if
he really wants to.

Alternatively to [temporarily] installing a floppy drive, he could use a
CD-ROM drive, or install the OS onto the hard drive while the HD is in
another computer, then transplant the drive.  I believe that I saw a short
thread about loading/booting NetBSD from MS-DOS, even.  (^&  (The last is
probably the easiest, if it can really be done...)

How many other ways can you get NetBSD onto an i386 w/o touching floppies,
I wonder?  I don't suppose that NetBSD lends itself to being burned onto
an [E]PROM?

  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."