Subject: Re: Lucent Wavelan on new Compaq M300
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: Ed Gould <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/09/2000 12:45:39
Ken Hornstein asked:
>> That's where I started - with the old kernel with no cardbus support. It
>> didn't find the WaveLan at all.
> Uh, did it find a PCMCIA bridge chip _at all_?
It found pcmcia0, but not the WaveLan card.
Jonathan Stone suggested:
> I was using lucent wavelan/orinoco cards in two machines, one with
> 1.5_ALPHA and one with 1.5_ALPHA2. Both are 1.8-inch Sony Vaios with
> the Ricoh chipset. I had to turn on PCIBIOS fixups and restrict PCI
> to using IRQ 9 and 11; tehn it more-or-less "just worked".
> Sometimes, pc-card insertions or removals wouldnt "take" and I'd have
> to pop and re-insert a card two or three times before the insertion
> would "take". Does it work better if you re-insert the card?
Pulling the card generated a "wi0 detached" message. Either after that, or
when I re-inserted the card, the machine hung. I have not yet investigated
the hang.
> I'm running with a patched kernel that use tsleep()s instead of
> delay() for pccbb up/down events. I dont know if that makes adifference.
Can you send me a patch to try this, please?