Subject: offtopic: fast-booting pentium-class MB?
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/01/2000 08:59:43
Sorry for the not-directly-related post, but I figured the folks here
would be the best to ask about something like this.
I've built an MP3 player for my car (using NetBSD, natch!) with an
old pentium-100 motherboard I salvaged, but no matter what I do, I can't
get the overall boot time under about a minute. Most of that time
is taken up by BIOS checks... (I've gotten the NetBSD piece of it down to
about 25 seconds; there may be more that I can shave off, but much of
it seems to be in the kernel)
So, does anyone have an inexpensive MB recommendation for a board
which spends less than 10 seconds in its initial tests? Or would I be
better off pursuing a non-i386 solution?
Jeff Rizzo