Subject: Re: ACE & NetBSD - pthreads support
To: Marian Romascanu <>
From: Ossama Othman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/29/2000 20:37:15
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 07:24:54PM -0400, Marian Romascanu wrote:
> Does anybody have any experience with ACE 5.1 on NetBSD 1.4.2 (i386)
> with pthread support? I have tried to date with GNU portable threads
> (pth 1.3.7 and ptl 2.1.3) and with FSU-pthreads. The first, even though
> installed is ignored by ACE configure script, the second cannot be
> compiled on NetBSD i386 because it is for FreeBSD on SPARC. What POSIX
> threads library has been tested with ACE on NetBSD?
It isn't just ignored. If ACE's configure script doesn't detect
enough thread features (functions, types, etc) to support threads without
modifying the ACE source then it will disable thread support. ACE's
configure script can detect POSIX threads drafts 4, 6, 7 and the final
standard, in addition to UI (Solaris) threads. Do any of the thread
libraries you mention support any of these drafts/standards.
Ossama Othman <>
Distributed Object Computing Laboratory, Univ. of California at Irvine
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