Subject: Re: Quick chat script question
To: Tony Hernandez <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/26/2000 22:19:37
Your username/password line looks odd. I see it as one line in your
Username: Isp_user_name Password: password
Here's an excerpt from my dialup script:
ABORT "Username/Password Incorrect"
"" "atz"
OK "at&d0&c1"
OK "atdt8169361004"
"ogin:" "<account name>"
"word:" "<account pass>"
(I use ``ogin'' since I'm not sure if my ISP capitalizes the word
``login''. Also, ``ogin:'' and ``word:'' are sufficient substrings to
know what I'm getting...(^&)
Another thing that looks odd about yours is that you have a space before
ADN AFTER the carriage return that you send on CONNECT:
CONNECT ' \r '
...I wouldn't be surprised if that trailing space is seen as the first
charactrer of your account name.
Either problem would keep your ISP from receivinjg your account-name, I
think (or at least might keep them from properly receiving it).
You might try enabling chat's -V (verbose mode) option and see what sort
of logging information you can generate. Being able to see both what is
sent and what comes back, explicitly, might help.
I hope that that is of some help. Good luck and have fun.
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."