Subject: Re: Couldn't use NetBSD
To: None <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/12/2000 10:56:10
| JH> Can you explain how you installed it with it not
| > booting?
| Assuming the installation runs under some form of NetBSD,
| there seems to be some difference between that and the
| version it install. The installer seemed to work fine!
I see. Your description wasn't quite clear to me. You're saying that
that installation program seemed to function normally, but after it was
complete, and rebooted, the system did not function normally.
Yes, the installation runs under NetBSD, it has some slightly different
device support, mostly because it's difficutl to fit the full device support
on the installation floppy. Perhaps there is some sort of conflict
on your machine.
| I'll need to re-install (I've just wiped the disk in
| question).
| I don't know what messages preceded it because the screen just
| filled with that single line message! =o(
One solution is to install using a serial console.
If this isn't inconvenient, you can hook up a terminal emulator
to com0 at 9600 bps and then start to boot off of the boot floppy;
then stop it before it actually boots the kernel from the floppy
and enter "consdev com0". Then go to the terminal emulator
and type "boot fd0:". You won't have the problem of the screen filling,
or you can use your terminal emulator's capture function.
| I'm currently installing FreeBSD on the other machine (whose NIC
| NetBSD seemed not to like). If you think it will help the
| NetBSD/i386 development effort I can document the machine and
| circumstances of the error I encountered. Would this be of use?
Yes, it certainly would be of use.