Subject: Re: Memory consumption in NetBSD 1.5 (ELF) ?
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Hauke Fath <hf@Tangro.DE>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/09/2000 11:10:01
At 21:37 06.10.00 +0100, David Brownlee wrote:
> Someone mentioned the malloc library had changed - you could try
> linking it with gnumalloc on both old and new to see if the
> behaviour changes.
How would I do that? I.e., how can I make sure that a -lgnumalloc (or
whatever it's called - I assume that it ships with NetBSD) replaces
whatever malloc is used by libc?
Hauke Fath Tangro Software Components GmbH
D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@Tangro.DE Ruf +49-6221-13336-0, Fax -21