Subject: Re: Network Interface Cards
To: David Woyciesjes <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/29/2000 14:12:41
In message <
>, David Woyciesjes writes:
>Here's my $0.02 ---
>ISA - If you can find it, get your hands on a 3Com 3C509B, download the
>config disks, and set all the parameters by hand. Do not use Plug And Pray
>on those cards...
>PCI - Any other 3Com card, and again, get the config disks.
>PCMCIA - 3Com 3C589
>Never had a problem with any 3Com card. Unless, of course, I left it in
>PnPray mode...
One word of warning... There is (or at least was; I haven't checked
lately) a problem with the 3c905B (maybe all models) and some BIOSes if
you boot without power-cycling after you've been running Mr. Bill's
operating system. It leaves the card in a funky state so that NetBSD
can't deal with it.
--Steve Bellovin