Subject: Re: Virtual Consoles, where do they come from?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/26/2000 17:12:56
Hello Bill!
BS> The kernel.
> More specifically, the console device driver subsystem
> provides multiple virtual consoles.
Excellent, thanks Bill! So presumably the shell doesn't
know or care that it's running on a virtual console?
Here's another question that I'm wondering about: I'm
assuming that I need at least one console (either virtual or
physical) and that the console subsystem will need to keep
some status information for each console. Presumably then,
the more virtual consoles I have the more memory is used for
them. If they share common code, the first console will use
more memory than each additional console. Am I barking up
the right tree here?
I suppose the next step would be to look at the console
subsystem source code (if I can find it, and make head or
tail of it).
I was talking to some friends about TTL mono monitors and
their associated display adaptors. I liked MDA, probably
because its simplicity appealed to me (4Kb ought to be
enough display RAM for everybody! ;o) I know someone who has
been asking about using a Hercules card under NetBSD. I
imagine its MDA emulation could be used to provide a single
console, but can't help wondering whether its extra RAM
might be used to provide a few virtual consoles. Is there an
easy way to find out whether anyone has looked at this
- Andy.
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