Subject: Re: gnokii problem
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/26/2000 14:48:46
According to Jukka Marin:
>Yep, that's too sad. One would think there was a -debug switch or something,
>but no. I added some printf's to the code and saw that the serial port
>thread was not running. Also, ktrace output shows that gnokii never even
>tries calling open(2) on the tty port. Then, the first thread gets tired of
>waiting for a flag set by the serial thread, prints the error message and
>quits. I have no idea why the threads do not work.
Very odd - I was using the unproven-pthreads package as my threading
package, I am sure other things we have work with pthreads. If I get
time I shall see if I can dig into why that open is not happening.
>I guess Nokia is big enough so they don't need to please their customers.
>Or to make good products. Reminds me of some large company in the US..
Yeah - sad isn't it? :-(
Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, BAE SYSTEMS