Subject: Re: vmware and -current (i386)
To: Ted Lemon <>
From: Tracy J. Di Marco White <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/18/2000 11:07:53
}> I boot NetBSD and live in it; from time to time I might want to
}> do something in Windows NT. So, to me it makes sense to run vmware
}> on NetBSD.
This is what I want to do too.
}I agree. However, sometimes you have to do what's possible, rather
}than what you'd like. AFAIK the FreeBSD and Linux support is
}proprietary, so you can't just port it. If one could, I would love
}to, because I much prerfer to boot NetBSD. So if it's more important
}to you that NetBSD be in control, you're pretty much stuck. If you
}can live with NT on top, with an X server to make it look like it's
}not, then this is a solution that can work for you right now,
}aesthetically displeasing though it may be.
From the FreeBSD description:
We all are thankful to Vladimir N. Silyaev for porting vmmon/vmnet
modules to FreeBSD. Have a look at his page for the latest
On that page:
Copyright issue
Unclear. My own code has a BSD-style copyright license,
but in order to write it, I used VMware-copyrighted sources.
In any case, I'm distributing only my own patch set, and all
modified files retain the original copyright information.
Tracy J. Di Marco White
Project Vincent Systems Manager