Subject: Re: Australian Timezone Correction - NetBSD-1.4.2
To: Jenkins, Graham K [IBM GSA] <>
From: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/05/2000 21:26:07
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 15:14:00 +1000
From: "Jenkins, Graham K [IBM GSA]" <>
Message-ID: <>
| Probably not the right places to ask. But I have been trying to make a
| correction for an upcoming DST, as follows:
For NetBSD 1.4.2 (or even 1.4.1) you don't (or shouldn't) have to bother
(though 1.4.1 wasn't correct for Tasmania, as they hadn't decided to
copy NSW and Vic quite early enough).
| 1) ../NetBSD-current/src/share/zoneinfo/australasia =>
| mybox:/usr/share/zoneinfo
| 2) cd /usr/share/zoneinfo
| 3) zic -d /tmp australasia
| I keep getting a message like:
| yearistype - not found
| "australasia", line 80: Wild result ..
| So have I been doing something wrong? .. G.
No, that's a problem that has existed in the tzcode stuff forever, and
which I keep forgetting to tell them about. Now you have reminded me,
I will send a message to the tz list and get this fixed (for the next
release anyway).
For now, assuming you do want to rebuild the database (and there's nothing
at all wrong with that, just to be confident everything is going to be fine)
you can either use the NetBSD supplied Makefile (which has a workaround
for this problem in it), or you can make sure that "." is in your path
before you run zic.
That is, if you are a sh (zsh, ksh, bash - any sane shell) user
PATH=.:$PATH zip -d /tmp australasia
If you're a csh user you have to resort to horrors to make sure things
get put back again later involing a sub-shell is the easiest way, as
( set path = (. $path) ; zic -d /tmp australasia )