Subject: Re: Tekram 315U
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/29/2000 00:14:35
In <014501bff87f$ed2fa180$> wrote:
> I have a Tekram 315U SCSI card, and installed it in an i386 box. The board
> works just fine under 1.4.2, but when I install the 1.4Z receive the
> following error message. What is wrong?
I guess you are using the Tekram driver:
It is not integrated into NetBSD-current source tree and
MI SCSI framework is changed between 1.4 and 1.5, so
the driver should be updated to adapt the changes.
BTW, the Tekram driver seems to work only on i386.
It uses bus_dma(9), but also uses some vtophys().
There are many outb()/inb() etc. and it does not
use bus_space(9) even though it has bus_space_tag_t etc...
More work is required to integrate it to the our tree.
Izumi Tsutsui