Subject: Re: System time & date thinks its in California not NYC
To: None <>
From: Geoff Wing <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/20/2000 03:44:23
Richard Rauch <> typed:
:(This continued to flare up on netbsd-help, but relates to a post on
:port-i386...sorry for the cross post. (^&)
:FWIW, I set up the RTC_OFFSET=360 in order to cope with a dual-booting PC.
:I don't remember having to do anything special about dst. (Can't you also
:tweak it manually via a sysctl if you don't want to change the kernel &
IF you are dual booting with some Microsoft OS then you may want to use
RTC_OFFSET. Should you get into daylight saving you'll need to readjust:
either recompile with adjusted RTC_OFFSET or
% gdb --write /netbsd
(gdb) set rtc_offset=360
(gdb) quit
(and reboot)
Or what ever the appropriate minute offset is (instead of 360)
Geoff Wing : <> Work URL:
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Zsh Stuff : <> Phone : (Australia) 0413 431 874