Subject: Re: CVS commit: syssrc
To: Bernd Sieker <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/19/2000 12:36:02
| > I think for 1.5 we should leave cbb/pnpbios/pcibios disabled in
| > the default kernels, but also provide a "laptop" set of install
| > and generic kernels with those options enabled.
| I have found that the PnP-BIOS is utterly broken in some laptop BIOSs
| (namely the "SystemSoft MobilePRO" BIOS), and causes the computer to
| reset immediately after the kernel has found a pnpbios.
| I have seen this on several different models, all with the "MobilePRO"
| So I don't think this should be enabled by default.
Please submit open PR ("send-pr").
Including the output of the kernel messages to the serial console
for a kernel built with PNPBIOSVERBOSE and PNPBIOSDEBUG would be
quite helpful, if you can manage it.
If not, please boot the kernel debugger and set a breakpoint
in the pnpbios code and keep continuing-through it until you
determine the device which fails. If you need more fine-grained
instructions on how to do this, please say-so.
Thank you.