Subject: Harddrive bad blocks
To: None <>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/11/2000 21:16:35

I just installed NetBSD 1.4.2 and noticed afterwards something I had
suspected before installation (but sorta forgot...): the 2,5Gb
Quantum Bigfoot has bad blocks. At least fsck doesn't execute cleanly:
it complains about read errors on one of the partitions.

How can I fix the problem. Is there some way of making NetBSD scan
the drive and mark up the bad blocks so that they wouldn't be used?

Worst of all the bad blocks appear to be on my /var partition... I
could for the time being disable the partition and use a normal
directory on root partition as var but I am not sure if there are
more bad blocks elsewhere on the disk.

Arto Huusko
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