Subject: Re: System freeze
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/05/2000 11:39:17
Joseph Sarkes writes:
> When the system froze it was doing a make install of part
> of pkgsrc (x11 i think) and became totally unresponsive to
> the keyboard. Since I had no other system available to try
> the ethernet connection at the time, I can't say if it was
> accessible or partly alive. The keyboard was locked (no led
> action from shift keys) and no disk activity was noted. Also,
> since X was running at the time the mouse would not revive the
> system either.
Are you sure it is not jumping into DDB at this point? You could do
'sysctl -w ddb.onpanic=0' and see if it reboots instead.
Or hit enter a couple of times and type 'reboot<enter>' when it
freezes. :-)
I have a machine running 1.5A that appears to panic when I run
XFree86 4.0. I haven't been able to hook up a serial console yet to
see what is happening.
Andrew Gillham | NetBSD ist Affengeil. | Nachts ist es kaelter
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | als draussen.