Subject: Re: Can't use ftp
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/15/2000 01:18:58
> [...] and must be using a shell listed in /etc/shells.
Only tangentially related...but why is NetBSD still using /etc/shells,
or more precisely, getusershell()? It's fundamentally broken in at
least two ways. (The design is broken, because the API assumes the
list of acceptable shells is enumerable and comparatively small; the
usage is broken, because it confuses "user with this shell may use ftp"
with "user may chsh to this shell" with "user with this shell is
capable of executing more-or-less arbitrary commands" with any of the
dozens of other things getusershell() is abused to test for.)
der Mouse
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