Subject: Re: Reason for pagefault trap
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kent Polk <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/08/2000 14:13:32
On 7 Jun 2000 03:50:07 -0500, wrote:
>> On 6 Jun 2000 20:20:01 -0500, David Maxwell wrote:
>> Since it gets worse with more processes, I thought possibly one of
>> the SIMM sticks in higher memory was bad, but I just ran memtest86
>> for about 6 hours and not a single failure showed up.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks

>Just a thought, because the filesystem should take care of corrupt blocks
>in root- and userpartitions.

This morning I tried to reboot from the debugger after a pagefault.
The debugger pagefaulted 4 times (tried 'reboot' 4 times in the
debugger) before it finally was able to reboot.  I don't see any
evidence that the fs is the problem here.  What could cause the
debugger to pagefault?