Subject: Reason for pagefault trap
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/05/2000 14:46:58
I've got an P120 built from old/spare parts. It runs fine except it halted
three times with the terminal following error (This particular message was
displayed while building a kernel):
uvm_fault (0xc4a53d10, 0x1000,0,1) -> 1
kernel: pagefault trap, code=0
stopped in cc1 at _pmap_page_remove + 0xac: movl 0x4(%ebx),%ecx
I suppose this means one of my memory-modules is defect. I could not find
any hint searching through the list archive. So I just wanted to be sure
before I go and by (or organize) some new (used) ram.