Subject: Re: [x86] single-stepping in DDB eventually causes machine to reboot?
To: Rafal Boni <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/17/2000 13:22:34
| Subject: [x86] single-stepping in DDB eventually causes machine to reboot?
ddb doesn't deal with 16-bit code very well, so when you step through
into the bios, you lose.
Are you trying this with -current since 2000/05/11 05:54:49? Therein
I committed code to work around a problem with pnpbios rebooting
Sony VAIOs.
Can you build your kernel with PNPBIOSDEBUG and PNPBIOSVERBOSE, boot
with a serial console, and offer the output?
Alternatively, for debugging, I'd suggest breakpointing on pnpbioscall()
and cont-ing after each break and seeing which call is the one
causing the reboot.