Subject: Re: Oracle 8.0.5 for Linux/i386 runs!
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Jaromír Doleček <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/16/2000 19:02:05
Todd Vierling wrote:
> I must give kudos to all those who have worked to improve Linux emulation on
> i386 in -current... Matthias, Jason, David, and the people I've probably
> forgotten who have added those little but crucial bits through PRs.
> After upgrading my server-size box to -current, and installing the
> suse_linux packages, I downloaded Oracle Linux 8.0.5 last weekend and
> installed it. After fixing two minor issues[*], it installed and ran
> without a hitch. I'm now developing an application for it, in JDBC, using
> the pure-Java driver and the native NetBSD JDK port.
Wow, glad to hear that!
I played with this one too and haven't found out why the server
install crashed for me (told me something with ULIMIT and playing
with that didn't help) :( I was using the linux sqlplus client
for like a year, though (see pkgsrc/database/oraedit/) :)
> Now, off to figure out Oracle It uses a Java-based
> install/maintenance tool suite, and the JDK they ship (which is,
> unfortunately, a requirement) is making use of an unsupported modify_ldt()
> syscall subtype. 8^)
Last time I tried installing 8i (about a month ago), the gui started
up just fine, but after attemp to actually install something it
crashed for me with some strange Java exception (like some
getUserHome() function or something like that). ktracing the install
didn't revealed anything strange :( I may try with the increased
shm/sem values, if it would help.
> Also, it will try to relink its binaries, which is not actually needed for
> the Linux product; I symlinked /emul/linux/usr/bin/make to /usr/bin/true to
> suppress these errors.
The re-link (for 8.0.5) went ok under emulation, at least after I installed
suse-devel :)
Jaromir Dolecek <>
@@@@ Wanna a real operating system ? Go and get NetBSD, damn! @@@@