Subject: Re: XFree 4.0
To: None <,>
From: Tobias Seiler <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/24/2000 22:37:36
Hello Hubert,

Am 13-M=E4r-00 schriebst Du:
> =

> In case someone wants to play with XFree 4.0 on 1.4.2/i386, I've tarred=
> and placed my /usr/X11R6 and /etc/X11 at
> =

> If someone managed how to get libGLU/glut going, let me know. It seems
> installing our Mesa pkg over this is not a good idea. ;-)
> =

> CC: me on any answers, i'm not part of this list.

Seems it's getting a little bit difficult at this point.

1. DRI support needs to be compiled. For this you have to modify the file in xc/config/cf. You have to add the line "#define
BuildXF86DRI YES".

Well. It compiles fine with this option added, but. When I had changed my=

XF86Config to loead the DRI extension I ran into 2.

2. DRM support needs to be compiled. For this you have to modify the file in xc/config/cf. You have to add the line "#define
BuildXF86DRM YES".

Seems harmless so far, but. DRM stands for "DIRECT RENDERING MANAGER". Fo=
making this thing work the kernel has to be changed. They need some speci=
calls to access the graphic cards RAM and or the registers directly.
Hmm. The source files are there for linux but nothing for Net- or FreeBSD=

Well, I think thats the recent status.

Bye, Tobias