Subject: Building bootfloppies on -current
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/16/2000 12:26:16
I've been unable to build bootfloppies under -current for at least the
last few weeks, and I'm unsure how to work around the problem:

when building in distrib/i386/floppies/ramdisk, I get:

[lots of stuff deleted]
SYMLINK /bin/cat                usr/bin/tar
SYMLINK /bin/cat                usr/bin/tip
SYMLINK /bin/cat                usr/mdec/installboot
SYMLINK /bin/cat                usr/sbin/bad144
SYMLINK /bin/cat                usr/sbin/chown
SYMLINK /bin/cat                usr/sbin/chroot
SYMLINK /bin/cat                usr/sbin/wiconfig
SPECIAL /bin/rm ramdiskbin
COPY    ${CURDIR}/../../../../etc/group         etc/group
COPY    ${CURDIR}/../../../../etc/master.passwd etc/master.passwd
COPY    ${CURDIR}/../../../../etc/protocols     etc/protocols
COPY    ${CURDIR}/../../../../etc/services      etc/services

/mnt: write failed, file system is full
cp: /mnt/etc/services: No space left on device
*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1


...obviously, either the file which vnd0 is built on is too small, or
[as it actually appears], the geometry with which it's disklabeled
is.  Has this been fixed, and I've just missed it?  (I did a cvs update
yesterday, but I've got a few files which are locally modified)

I'd just use a bootfloppy from the snapshot, but I need serial bootblocks,
and I need sysinst to *install* serial bootblocks on the destination 

Thanks for any clues,
Jeff Rizzo