Subject: Re: NFS server hangs under 1.4.1
To: Richard Pennington <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/08/2000 04:25:06 (Richard Pennington) wrote:
> I just installed 1.4.1 on a PIII600 with a vr ethernet card.
> I am using a lot of NFS tranfers to copy files from a 1.4
> system (PII333, same ethernet card).
> First try: mount 1.4 filesystem on 1.4.1 box, start big nfs transfer
> with some large (>100MB) files. Tar (on 1.4.1 system) from 1.4 to
> 1.4.1 system failed twice. Just stopped or slowed down a lot. Pings
> went from negligible to >10000 and very sporatic.
> [...] 
> Then I tried mounting the 1.4.1 file system on the 1.4 box and did
> the 1.4 to 1.4.1 transfer there. This seems to work (it is still
> transfering) but it *seems* slower.

This makes perfect sense. All other things equal, NFS writes/local reads
will always be slower than the reverse, because the NFS writes are done

You might be overrunning a buffer somewhere. Just a WAG, but try setting
the NFS transfer size down from 8K to 4k or 1.5k. Not that that's a good
long-term solution.
