Subject: Re: SCIOIFMEDIA " Device not configured " ?
To: Tony Hernandez <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/29/2000 08:16:01
In message <000301bf6a11$26ee4140$0100a8c0@jennifer>, "Tony Hernandez" writes:
> I have a 3com 3c905b-TX card in my system and I need to get it working , but
> I have been running into a peculiar problem. After my initial network file
> configuration and reboot. ifconfig out putted that the media type on my card
> was "none". looking at this and then at the hub noticing there was no link
> light I then tied to get the right media into ifconfig. So I tried the
> following:
> ifconfig ex0 netmask media 10baseT up
> ifconfig ex0 netmask media UTP up
> and both exclaimed the:
> SCIOIFMEDIA Device not configured
To repeat something that has been pointed out before -- the 3c905s don't
always come up properly if you're reset-booting after running Windows or (I
think) Linux. You need to power-cycle first. (This is also BIOS-dependent;
some BIOSes do a better job of resetting them.)
--Steve Bellovin