Subject: Re: Computers as stereo equipment (was Re: ALPS 4x4 CD changer (ATAPI))
To: Tracy J. Di Marco White <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/28/2000 15:52:41
"Tracy J. Di Marco White" <> wrote:
> }Lately, I've been wishing that somebody would figure out how to make a PC's
> }IR port talk to a conventional remote control, then write an MP3 player
> }program that could be controlled with the remote. If that happened, I'd
> }probably throw away the CD changer in my stereo system and plug in some
> }little 1U high box with a 13GB disk (and maybe a TV tuner card so I could
> }replace my TV too...)
> A local user group had a presentation earlier this month about doing more
> or less that with Linux:
I've done exactly that with my shark. it wasn't exactly rocket science.
I eventually punted on that and went back to having the cordless mouse
in the livingroom.