Subject: Re: clock problem ...
To: None <>
From: Danny Thomas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/26/2000 09:27:26
enami tsugutomo <> wrote:
>"Steven M. Bellovin" <> writes:
>> At least in my kernel (1.4P, the Comdex snapshot), I believe you
>> can do the same with sysctl:
>> sysctl -w kern.rtc_offset=xxx
>You can read but can't write. Since the value is used early boot
>stage, setting it after boot is not so useful.
when running ntp, is there some way to have it set BIOS clock ?
if this sysctl was writable, you could do that via a script
just to keep it within a second or so of real time for the next boot
you might want to do this daily (after confirming ntp is happy with it's
estimate of absolute time) in case the BIOS hardware clock is drifting a
lot and the box has significant uptime.