Subject: Re: applix + suse_linux
To: Berndt Josef Wulf <>
From: George Sollish <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/22/2000 08:52:22
On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
> I'm unsuccesful in installing applix-4.4.1 using the suse_linux package
> with its libc6? libraries, which worked perfectly with the older libc5
> libraries.
> It will almost complete the installation when it stops with
> a "Bad system call" message.
> Has any one seen this? Is there a work around?
> Sysinfo: NetBSD-i386-1.4.1, applix-4.4.1, suse_linux (6.3)
I'm happily running Applix 4.4.1 on 1.4.1 using the old linux_lib-2.4
package. Afterwards I loaded the suse_*6.1 packages without breaking the
Applix install, so that might work.
My problem is VariCAD, which runs on RH5.2 but refuses to run on 1.4.1
even if I copy the libraries from the same install cd used for RH5.2.
Good luck.
George E Sollish Chief Engineer Auto Gear Equipment
Host Classic-FM's Listening Room
Project Manager The Payne Lake Project