Subject: Re: NetBSD on a ThinkPad 365E?
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/19/2000 23:55:45 writes:
> >I'd like to check the BIOS to see what devices are configured, and to perhaps
> >try turning off some options (ie: the caches) but I don't know how to get into
> >the BIOS.  The person I'm doing this for doesn't know either, and doesn't have
> >a manual for the machine :-(  Any clues there might be helpful...
> 	Doesn't it F1 (function key 1)?  It is usually so.

Yup, most Thinkpads need you to hold 'F1' down when you turn them on.

Andrew Gillham                            | This space left blank                     | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | Contact the publisher.