Subject: Re: KDE question?
To: Andrew Todorov <>
From: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/18/2000 20:56:22
--- Schnipp ---
<FontFamily><param>Times New Roman</param><bigger>On 18 Jan 00, at 10:29, Andrew Todorov wrote:
<smaller>I installed KDE to my NetBSD with PKG program but don't know the
script file that must be change to start using the KDE.Where can I read
more about it ?<bigger>
<smaller>Thank's for help!!!
<FontFamily><param>Arial</param>--- Schnapp ---
Your xinitrc must have "exec startkde" or just "startkde" as last
argument at the end of the file. There is a global xinitrc in your x11
directory to change all confirurations and one in each users
homedirectory. You will also need to add kde path in the .profiel file.
After that kde will be started by typing "startx".