Subject: Boot manager
To: None <>
From: NoRM <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/18/2000 15:45:21
I've spent the past couple of days trying to find one for my (admittedly
silly) requirements.
o must not take up a partition on my first disk like my current
IBM boot manager (from Partition Magic 3).
o must allow me to boot from extended partitions and the
second disk
o must not be restricted to a silly number of boot options
(I need at least 5 :)
Now some freeware/commercial boot managers will fulfill these. However, they
always make one of two fundamental mistakes. Either they don't understand
that you can multi-boot from different primary partitions, or they don't hide
partitions when booting. Not hiding a partition is fine when you've only got
one Micro$oft OS and NetBSD. But if you've got two or more M$ OSs, you have
to hide the partition that's inactive, or they get horribly confused.
So far, the only boot manager that'll work fine for all of the above is Boot
Magic from PowerQuest. Only that won't boot NetBSD (wasn't sure if that was
a Boot Magic problem, or a NetBSD one, so haven't submitted a PR as yet), I
just get 'Read err' and nothing more.
So - can anyone recommend a decent multiple boot manager? :)
Norman R. McBride, system administrator
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