Subject: Re: apm spinning down drives
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/18/2000 09:17:58
In message <>, Ken Hornstein write
>Really? What does it do/not do? BTW .... try taking out the setidle,
>I only use standby (I get the sense most drives ignore the idle timer,
>but I could see it causing weird effects).
What seems to happen is that, after 5-10 minutes, the drive will spin down,
and then about 5-10 seconds later, it'll spin up.
>BTW, I think that in the interest of power conservation, 600 seconds
>is way too long. I have mine set to 10. There were some interesting
>Usenix papers on this subject (see the references on the NetBSD
>help pages about power management). One paper documented that the
>break-even point for disk spinup is about 6 seconds (if the disk
>sleeps longer than 6 seconds, you're saving power). Both papers
>agreed that default spindown times were much too long. But don't
>believe me; read the papers and decide for yourself.
Wow. I'm actually not as concerned about power saving as I am about disk
lifetime, for which I've been told spindown is almost always a loss.