Subject: Re: IBM Network Station and NetBSD 1.4?
To: Aslak Raanes <>
From: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/17/2000 17:50:56
some press coverage indicated hat IBMs NC OS should be a
modified NEtBSD system, however I would not recommend to mess
around with it, as IBM is not likely to offer a list of changes needed
to operate the NC.
On 17 Jan 00, at 13:35, Aslak Raanes wrote:
> Hei,
> We have some IBM Network Station 2200 and they seem to run som kind of
> modified (?) NetBSD 1.2. I was wondering if someone has managed to use
> a more =ABstandard=BB and newer version of NetBSD on NS 2200? Do I need =
> make a special kernel?
> <URL:>
> <URL:
> .d2w/report?partnum=3D8363EUS&merchant_rn=3D1&priceType=3DIBM&cntry=3D84=
> =3Den_US>
> --
> sig.
> Aslak Raanes