Subject: Re: install problems
To: David Brownlee <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/16/2000 21:14:42
On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 01:02:34AM +0000, David Brownlee wrote:
> You still have lilo present - I know the DOS 'fdisk /mbr' will fix
> this, but I don't hve the NetBSD fdisk arguments to hand - maybe
> someone else can answer?
From fdisk(8):
Finally, when all the data for the first sector has been accumulated,
fdisk will ask if you really want to rewrite sector 0. Only if you reply
affirmatively to this question will fdisk write anything to the disk.
The -i explicitly requests initialization of the master boot code (simi-
lar to what fdisk /mbr does under MSDOS), even if the magic number in the
first sector is ok. The partition table is left alone by this (but see
David Maxwell,| -->
(About an Amiga rendering landscapes) It's not thinking, it's being artistic!
- Jamie Woods