Subject: Re: bash problem 2
To: None <>
From: Martijn Bakker <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/13/2000 04:07:28
Andrew Todorov wrote:
> when I change the shell for root to bash the chsh program send this message:
> "warning,unknown root shell"
> 1.What can i do to make NetBSD to know this shell?
Enter the full pathname for your bash shell (usually /usr/pkg/bin/bash)
in your passwords file and make sure the line "/usr/pkg/bin/bash" is
added to your /etc/shells file. Make sure /usr is allways when you
login. Anything said before like, "better not do this" still goes.
> 2.In wich file can I set the variables like PS1 (bash variables)?
Either in the global bash profile, /etc/profile, or per user in the
~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.
> 3.Where can I read for NetBSD architecture to lern order of starting of
> system files?
As said before, see manpages (rc, rc.conf) or read /etc/rc.
> Thank's for HELP!!!
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