Subject: Re: Better than..
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/05/2000 15:19:44
I cannot deny bugs in Linux and I don=B4t want to. As You know the
power down problem could also be caused by the mail server or
other software and this problem may allready be solved.
To the bad block problem, I have senn such problem only on my NT
system with a defective Jaz medium, I guess such a problem was
very soon be detected and reported, so You can expect a patch
allready exists to solve this problem.
Such things are bugs, and should not be part of the evaluation of an
OS. If You could say, that the problems reported by You are not
caused by bugs in programms but the OS itself and still exist after a
couple of months after the report to the programmers, THEN it was
good reason to include it in the evaluation of an OS!
But even if these problems are to be expected to still exist, if You
need to run programms only available for linux or have hardware not
supported by NetBSD, would You really recommend NetBSD?
I use several machines with different OS and I currently would not
want to replace any of the OS (good MPS support from NetBSD and
a firmly tested VMWare for it would change that probably soon ;-)).