Subject: Re: Better than..
To: Greg Scott <>
From: Ted Lemon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/03/2000 19:07:44
> Anyone know of where I can find a list of things that make NetBSD better
> than say.. oh. Linux?
> I need to convince a client that hype doesn't mean quality.
If you don't know the answer to this question, you hadn't ought to be
trying to convince anybody of anything. The only reason you should
be espousing the opinion that NetBSD is better than Linux is that you
know it is. So my advice to you would be to do two things. First,
make up a list of the features that are important to you for the
project for which you're proposing NetBSD, and see how Linux compares
on those features. Secondly, get a copy of Linux and actually try it
I'm not saying there aren't good reasons to choose one over the other,
BTW - I think there actually are. But it shouldn't be a knee-jerk
decision - it should be a considered decision, and that decision
should be based on the circumstances, not some kind of notion that in
every situation there is only one good operating system. If you try
to reason on the basis that one operating system is inherently
superior in all cases, sensible people will lose faith in you.