Subject: Re: installation woes
To: Erik Huizing <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/29/1999 18:53:06
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 09:18:42AM -0700, Erik Huizing wrote:
> I'm having the damndest time installing NetBSD-1.4.1 on an old 486 of
> mine.
> I was going to install over ftp, but I kept getting "ne1: device timeout".
> I tracked the problem to the fact that the NIC was on irq 3. Its a pnp
> card with no jumpers, so I gave up that avenue. Next, I tried a disk
If it's a pnp board it should have been detected as such by NetBSD.
My guess is that it's jumperless but not in PnP mode.
If you don't have the floppy utility to reconfigure it, try to look at some
www site of vendors who sells ne2k compatible boards. They're almost all
based on the same chip and most config utilities will work.
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.