Subject: Re: installation woes
To: Erik Huizing <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/29/1999 12:40:09
On Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 09:18:42AM -0700, Erik Huizing wrote:
> I'm having the damndest time installing NetBSD-1.4.1 on an old 486 of
> mine.
> I was going to install over ftp, but I kept getting "ne1: device timeout".
> I tracked the problem to the fact that the NIC was on irq 3. Its a pnp
> card with no jumpers, so I gave up that avenue. Next, I tried a disk
Oddly enough, I created a bootable floppy with ne0 - IRQ3, IO 300 for
another fellow on the list. You can get it at
This is for ISA, not ISAPNP though. Are you sure your card is configured
for pnp? Many cheap ethernet cards come with a config utility on a floppy -
and you can set the 'jumpers' in NVRAM, -or- select pnp mode.
/> install with no success. Are the disks supposed to be msdos disks, or
> unix? I also tried mounting the disks in an attempt to copy in all the
> segments:
> # mkdir /mnt2/floppy
> # mount /dev/fd0a /mnt2/floppy
How did you create the floppies?
> Finally, as a last resort, I created a 20 meg dos partition, copied all
> the segments there with the hope of mounting that dos partion, and
> continuting with this installtion.
> # mkdir /mnt2/msdos
> # mount_msdos /dev/wd0f /mnt2/msdos
> but again I get 'deivce not configured':
Do you have a properly populated /dev directory? You do have an IDE drive,
David Maxwell,| -->
If you don't spend energy getting what you want,
You'll have to spend it dealing with what you get.
- Unknown