Subject: Re: mounting FreeBSD-current slices
To: George Michaelson <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/18/1999 09:15:45
> bash-2.03# mount -r /dev/wd0d /mnt
> mount_ffs: /dev/wd0d on /mnt: incorrect super block
> bash-2.03#
> d: 3481600 6136830 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 6494 - 10178*)
Since you're posting to the port-i386 list and including fdisk output,
I assume you're doing this under NetBSD/i386. In that case, you can't
use the d partition for this, since it's RAW_PART for that port. The
info in the disklabel for the d partition is being ignored. You'll
have to use some other partition.
der Mouse
7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B