Subject: Re: problems with swap partition on 1.2 (SOLVED)
To: None <>
From: Anne Bennett <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/17/1999 14:19:24
[Solved it! See end of message...]
Brian C. Grayson <> responds to my query:
>> Do you have any idea at all what might cause a 1.2 system booted on
>> sd0g to (a) try to savecore from sd0h instead of sd0b, and (b) claim
>> that sd0b is "not configured"?
> I seem to recall that earlier NetBSDs used to assume, in at
> least some locations, that the swap partition was root+1, i.e.,
> g+1 = h for your setup.
Eeep. As der Mouse mentioned separately, it was fortunate that I did
not actually have a filesystem on partition h! Maybe? Anyway...
> If you want to be sneaky, edit your
> disklabel and point sd0h to the same place as sd0b.
Good idea, but no go. I tried it, and first of all, although the
disk label seems to be written as I request it, the disklabel command
7 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 73600 0 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 0 - 79)
b: 288880 73600 swap # (Cyl. 80 - 393)
c: 6265200 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 6809)
d: 6265200 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 6809)
e: 161920 362480 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 394 - 569)
f: 4607360 1127920 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 1226 - 6233)
g: 529920 5735280 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 6234 - 6809)
disklabel: warning, unused partition h: size 288880 offset 73600
I gamely tried booting off sd0g anyway, but got the same errors as
before during boot (note that I had not changed fstab; it still points
to sd0b for swap):
Nov 17 11:13:18 vindemiatrix /netbsd: changing root device to sd0g
Nov 17 11:13:18 vindemiatrix /netbsd: WARNING: no swap space found
Nov 17 11:13:13 vindemiatrix savecore: /dev/sd0h: Device not configured
Interestingly, though, one of the errors I get when trying to explicitly
add the swap space (after boot is complete) is different:
# swapon -a
swapon: /dev/sd0b: device not configured
# swapon /dev/sd0h
swapon: /dev/sd0h: device already in use
I can't find a swap statistics command, so I could not think of a way
to check whether there was any swap in use, though after "WARNING: no
swap space found", I assume not. I don't know what it's going on about
when it tells me that sd0h is in use.
> Or, if you want to be a little bit nicer,
Nice, me? >:-) OK...
> rename sd0b to sd0h, and change
> your /etc/fstab on your 1.4.1 system to use swap on sd0h, not
> sd0b. Or, split sd0b into two pieces, and call one sd0b and the
> other sd0h.
I tried the split (but again not the fstab mod), and again disklabel
7 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 73600 0 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 0 - 79)
b: 144440 73600 swap # (Cyl. 80 - 236)
c: 6265200 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 6809)
d: 6265200 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 6809)
e: 161920 362480 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 394 - 569)
f: 4607360 1127920 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 1226 - 6233)
g: 529920 5735280 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 6234 - 6809)
disklabel: warning, unused partition h: size 144440 offset 218040
During boot I saw exactly the same behaviour as before, and when I
tried to add the swap later, I got the same errors as with sd0b=sd0h.
> If you don't like any of those ideas,
Well, I liked them well enough, but they didn't work. :-)
> you might be able to
> sidestep some problems by using a swapfile on sd0g, and no swap
> partition per se -- does 1.2 support swapping to files? (I
> thought so, but can't remember for sure.)
"man swapon" and "apropos swap" don't indicate any such support.
> I hope this helps...
It did, actually, in that it gave me several avenues of thought and
experiment. (And gave me some moral support!)
I wondered if it was possible to build a kernel that would swap on the
"right" partition (the one I want it to use!) no matter where the root
partition is. I always build kernels these days with something like:
config netbsd swap generic
but I recalled that in the old SunOS 3 days we sometimes used to build
kernels with "root on foo swap on bar" instead of "swap generic".
I looked through the manpages for the syntax of that line in the
kernel configuration file under NetBSD, but --- ah, found it, in USENIX
and O'Reilly's 4.4BSD System Manager's Manual. The syntax I want is:
config netbsd root on sd0g swap on sd0b
My first attempt to build this kernel (on another host, since I had
wiped out my sources from this machine) failed with:
ld -z -Ttext F8100000 -e start -x -o netbsd ${SYSTEM_OBJ} vers.o
autoconf.o: Undefined symbol `_setconf' referenced from text segment
But then, after looking at i386/autoconf.c, I removed "option GENERIC",
and I got a successful build. OK, here goes nothing....
Hey, it works! My workstation is up on the spare partition (sd0g), it
didn't complain about swapping, and I have X running with a dozen or
so xterms, each of which has an ssh client running, so there's a
normal load. It all seems fine. Yay!
Now I can go on to installing 1.4.1, and finding out what lovely new
features have been added. :-)
Ms. Anne Bennett, Senior Analyst, IITS, Concordia University, Montreal H3G 1M8 +1 514 848-7606