Subject: Re: new driver in -current for BayStack 650 802.11 cards.
To: Bill Sommerfeld <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/05/1999 12:00:31
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>I've just committed my "awi" driver, for the BayStack 650 802.11FH
>wireless network card, which is built around the AMD 79c930 802.11
Thank you very much! I'll be visiting IETF so I love to use this
To use IPv6 on top of this card, I think:
- the following patch (for using mbuf cluster), and
- some code to handle SIO[CD]ADDMULTI (multicast is mandatory on IPv6)
are necessary . I don't have the card myself at this moment
so I couldn't test it. I'll be able to hack and test it during IETF.
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Index: awi.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/kame/kame/netbsd/sys/dev/ic/awi.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 awi.c
*** awi.c 1999/11/05 01:41:25 1.1
--- awi.c 1999/11/05 02:59:05
*** 1203,1214 ****
} else {
if (top != 0) {
m = top;
m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp;
m->m_pkthdr.len = 0;
m->m_len = 0;
! mleft = MHLEN;
mptr = mtod(m, u_int8_t *);
for(;;) {
--- 1203,1228 ----
} else {
if (top != 0) {
+ if (len >= MINCLSIZE) {
+ #if 0
+ /*
+ * it's better try to deliver the
+ * packet to upper layer than dropping
+ * it.
+ */
+ if ((top->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) {
+ m_free(top);
+ top = NULL;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
m = top;
m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp;
m->m_pkthdr.len = 0;
m->m_len = 0;
! mleft = (m->m_flags & M_EXT) ? MCLBYTES : MHLEN;
mptr = mtod(m, u_int8_t *);
for(;;) {
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