Subject: Re: Any Netscape usable on i386?
To: Brad Spencer <>
From: Sean Doran <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/03/1999 02:11:36
Brad Spencer <> writes:
> The only two things that I have found that help this is to turn off Java
> completely. Or to start netscape with the '-synchronous' flag, which
> Netscape seems to support, but doesn't advertise. Of course, there is a
> performance penalty for doing this.
Yes, I do this with certain frequently-visited sites
(netscape -sync http:...) that hang on me without
displaying a zero-sized window. The zero-sized window
can happen with or without the -sync flag.
I know this because one site that I visit frequently is
password-protected and has some (mis-)feature which causes
netscape to hang horribly when -sync is not specified. I
see zero-sized windows often, and for a long time couldn't
distinguish between the "hang" and the "waiting for user input".