Subject: Re: problems with 3ComC589D
To: <>
From: Tino Wildenhain <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/02/1999 18:42:46
Jonathan Stone wrote:
> In message <>,
> Tino Wildenhain writes:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I want to use a 3Com C589D with NetBSD 1.4.1
> >After commenting out most of the lines I get
> >The card fully identified as ep0, it uses
> >irq 5. But I can only send packets (i.e.
> >erp-entry appears on the target host), but
> >I dont receive any.
> Classic symptoms of using an IRQ that doesn't work for your PCMCIA
> controller. Your (laptop?) motherboard is likely routing IRQ5
> somewhere special, perhaps for sound. The fix is to build a new
> kernel with PCIC_ISA_INTR_ALLOC_MASK set to exclude irq5.
> If the card works fine under Windows, what IRQ does the windows
> hardware resource manager say it's using?
It say interrupt 10 currently, some time before I swapt the cards a bit
it was irq 3.
Now I set the alloc-mask to 0xfbdf to mask out 10 and 5. But the card
continues to use irq 5. How do I calculate the mask correctly?
thanks in advance
Tino Wildenhain